GENTILE pittrice
ufficiale: www.blufondente.it
If painting can be considered a form of writing with images, then understanding the message that one wants to portray with colors and symbols is an unrelinquishable moment in artistic creation.
The translation of this message can often be considered primitive in its attempt for authenticity, authenticity which is found in the purity of formal semplicity and symbolic abstraction.
In this framework, Mariella Gentile, portraying her own work, uses her expressive symbolism in a archetypical profundity in the Jungian sense of the human collective unconscious. It is at this profound and remote level that one should let the evocative power of her images emerge.
In this case, the internal poetry, on which Mariella Gentile’s painting is based, enhances her artistic work. In fact her paintings, now strongly expressed with violently contrasting colors, now with a palette of soft, blurred colors, take us through itineraries of dreams which are a mixture of desire and recollection. These are travels direct to the origins of mankind, and of culture which, in its variant rounded and pointed forms, make up the primordal symbols of totem images.
Here the return to the past goes beyond history because it represents an eternal present without temporal change and in which East and West are mixed and melted together into a single illusion of humanity in search of itself.
This painter adventures into an enchanted world with ease and semplicity, and brings back her illusions which she portrays on her canvas so that her viewer, in turn, is able to penetrate his own conscious.
This becomes an adventuros exploration of the unconscious and of origins, in which the escape from shipwreck can only mean recuperating naive authenticity of the primitive and of our childhood. Aurelio Rizzacasa
BARI Expo-arte. 1988 Fiera del levante
ROMA 100 acquarelli. 1992 centro culturale Banca d’Italia
TORINO Premio di pittura “Giuseppe Sobrie” Mole antonelliana 1992
MONZA Palazzo Reale. Mostra di pittura 1994
VITERBO Palazzo Chigi. Mostra di pittura 1995
ROMA 1ª Biennale d’arte internazionale Piazza del popolo – sale del Bramante 1996
ROMA Mostra scultura “Lo spazio abitato” a cura di Mariano Apa. Centro di Sarro 1997
GRANADA “Doble” mostra di pittura Sala de exposiciones- Peña la prateria 1998
PERUGIA “Premio Primavera” concorso internazionale di poesia, 1998 arte e spettacolo – 6ª edizione Palazzo dei Priori
MILANO Mostra di pittura 2005
Per contattare l'artista: mariella_gentile@yahoo.it |
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